IMPORTANT AND UPDATED NEWS: Targeted Consultation Document – A Licensing Regime for Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Technicians (6 December 2019 - 17 January 2020)

Dear IRHACE Member

Targeted Consultation Document – A Licensing Regime for Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning Technicians (6 December 2019 - 17 January 2020)

You may have heard that following the initial Consultation Document in 2018, Government signed off a Refrigerant License Regime in principle.  There are several areas where MBIE require additional clarification and this Targeted Consultation Document has been issued.  Click the link to read:

An industry team of subject matter experts have discussed the document in depth and ask that as many IRHACE members should have the opportunity to ‘have your say’.  We welcome your input and have prepared a survey by way of feedback to allow us to make an informed submission on your behalf. 


  • If you are a member of the IRHACE Facebook page there will be daily spot surveys and we urge you to participate, and if you aren’t a member now may be the time to join, click here


  • We would love your feedback on the Consultation and the attached survey covers the key points and also allows you to respond in more detail.  Refer to the Survey here


  • Or you can simply email us and  have your say, tell us whatever concerns or interests you about the Targeted Consultation at


  • Or you can phone us on 09 2730044 to discuss (leave a message after hours and we will return your call)

We have until 17th January to collate information and prepare submissions so we would appreciate your feedback no later than 6th January 2019.

We know preparing a submission is a daunting task and to help you we are also planning to prepare a ‘short form submission’ which you can then on-send to MBIE, please email and she will ensure this is sent to you to email directly to MBIE on or about 14th January 2020.

We hope you do ‘have your say’, we are committed to influencing a robust License Regime that benefits everyone, and your contribution is essential to providing a strong voice on behalf of industry.

Kind regards and wishing you a wonderful Christmas

The IRHACE Council and Christine Johnston